Crackerjack Events are always up for a challenge so when we were approached with an opportunity to organise a wedding in 6 weeks with a number of possible road blocks, we jumped at it!
Our first challenge was to understand how many people were going to attend the wedding as the invitation was open to all of the wedding couples’ community. All guests were also invited to attend the reception and ceremony, or just come to one. While awaiting firm RSVP numbers with a clock that seemed to be getting faster by the minute, we set to work to find a venue that would suit our requirements – it needed to be close to the Community’s congregation, be able to hold this unknown amount of guests, cater to the strict religious food preparation requirements, and be free on the date we required it for…! As you can imagine this was no easy task.
A couple of weeks later, our team alongside the couple, had made the decision to hold the wedding at their Community Facility and bring in extra infrastructure to cope with the 500 odd guests who had RSVP’d. This venue did present its own challenges with a school housed within the grounds and a strict in/out security policy at the main gates, and also having a very limited and unique set of spaces to work with. We had also flown in an Australian Catering Company who were able to cope with this number of guests and knew how to correctly handle all dietary requirements.
Fast forward and the wedding day was upon us. All pre-wedding rituals were well underway and excitement was certainly building. As guests arrived (after school hours!) they were checked in through a ticketing app and welcomed with drinks and refreshments before being strategically led (through our crowd management plan) into the venue.
All our hours of planning and strategising had paid off, and what we delivered on the day was nothing shy of perfect (no arrogance intended!). The bride and groom as well as the guests had nothing but positive words to say and we felt like we had conquered Mount Everest.
It was the perfect wedding for the most perfect couple!